JEA/NSPA Awards Ceremony
3:30-6 p.m. Saturday
Winners of NSPA Best of Show, Yearbook, Online and Magazine Pacemakers will be honored. Winners of the JEA Write-off contest, Aspiring Young Journalist and National High School Journalist of the Year competition will also be recognized. JEA and NSPA encourage everyone to celebrate all recipients. There will be no ceremony Sunday morning.
Break with a Pro • $5
9 and 10 a.m. Friday
Registration deadline: March 21
Online preregistration required.
Tailored, small-group discussion sessions with journalism professionals in traditional and specialized areas. Media professionals share information about their work and backgrounds. This career exploration event is an excellent opportunity to meet people working in the field.
Media Swap Shops • FREE
8 and 9 p.m. Friday
Registration deadline: March 21
Online preregistration required.
Meet with students from other publication staffs to share with one another and gather new ideas.
Student Entertainment
8-11:30 p.m. Friday
Students are invited to attend a dance where the ARHS DJ Club will play music to dance to or just unwind while listening to hip hop, rap and Top 40 songs. The DJ club, consisting of students from San Francisco’s Archbishop Riordan High School, has been a featured guest at 99.7 NOW! radio station, where they talk about music and introduce songs. Admission is free. Please remember to wear your name badge.